
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ernest Rhodes: too many walk when they were taught how to fly

I take Ernest for granted. When I want to have an intelligent conversation at work, I turn to him. He never disappoints. Some of the most helpful conversations I’ve had about Music (heck – about Much More than Music) I’ve had with him. If I could designate a Music Guru for myself, that Guru would be Ernie.

How so?

Does one have to explain why one designates someone as one’s guru?

No. I willingly offer my services as a peripheral disciple.

Doing a lot less to prove that I am talented

I remember the 1st time I saw Ernest perform live. And I remember the 2nd time I danced to him. It’s high time there’s been a 3rd time for me… which will coincide with the Transistor CD release party scheduled for March 13th at Sauce.

Ernest Rhodes is worth far more than being taken-for-granted by Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Midwest. He’s a Wise Guy. He’s a Poet. He’s a Musician. He Inspires.

He is Aware and Awake.


Ernest’s and Justin StaggsTransistor video is fantastic. And fucking awesome.


The Transistor CD release date in Minneapolis is February 23rd. Keep an eye on for downloading info – or trot to Electric Fetus, Cheapo, Mindstate Distribution or Fifth Element to buy it in the flesh.

Give me all you can
I can handle it

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